inflated steel, neon paint, 2024

William Cannings:

September 7th – October 26th, 2024

Cris Worley Fine Arts is pleased to announce, Fragments, a solo exhibition of new works by galleryartist William Cannings. This is Cannings’s eighth solo exhibition with Cris Worley.

William Cannings spent time in his youth working in automotive shops where he familiarizedhimself with the tools and equipment needed to support his current-day art practice and satisfy hishands-on approach to making. Today, the artist has mastered an innovative process of working withthree of the four classical elements of nature: steel, heat and air. Each finished sculpture appearsbuoyant despite its heavy material, creating a dichotomy of hard and soft, weightlessness and heft.

Fragments refers to the scraps and “castaway” pieces of steel that are not the original intention of themaking process. Over the years, Cannings has seen these leftover shapes, with their signature tears,twists, and folds, as work in themselves. “Chance” acts a co-partner, opening up the possibility thatthe creative path forward is not always the one first taken.

William Cannings (b. 1970) is originally from Manchester, England and currently lives and works inLubbock, TX with his wife, Shannon Cannings, also a fine artist. He received a BFA from VirginiaCommonwealth University and an MFA from Syracuse University. He is Professor of Sculpture atTexas Tech University. Cannings exhibits frequently across the United States including in NewYork, Miami, New Mexico, and Texas.

Recent public works include a large-scale permanent installation with the City of Houston at Gate 51at Hobby Airport, and a monumental outdoor sculpture at the Hall Sculpture Walk, Hall Arts Hotelin downtown Dallas. His works are also seen publicly in the permanent collection of the William P.Clements, Jr. Hospital at UTSW Medical Center in Dallas, TX and the HOLT CAT Headquarters inSan Antonio, TX. He was one of four artists chosen for a solo exhibition at the 2009 Texas Biennialthat was reviewed with critical acclaim in Art in America. Likewise, he is highlighted in the canonical publication, Texas Artists Today, written by Catherine Anspon.

Cris Worley Fine Arts is dedicated to promoting innovative work by contemporary artists at various stages of their careers. The gallery’s dynamic approach to fostering artistic growth includes the presentation of compelling exhibitions, and collaborations with public institutions, professional art organizations, and collectors, both locally and internationally.

For nearly two decades, Cris Worley has contributed to national art dialogues as a gallery director participating in art fairs, as a guest juror for numerous exhibitions, and as an esteemed art advisor. As a charter member of the Contemporary Art Dealers of Dallas, Cris Worley has played a vital role in the vigorous growth of the Dallas arts community, encouraging the evolution of contemporary art collections.

Cris Worley Fine Arts

1845 E Levee St. Suite 110
Dallas, TX 75207


Gallery Hours:
Tuesday – Saturday, 11 to 5

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