Danna Ruth Harvey, Kendall Stallings & Jeff Wenzel

Saturday August 31st – October 5th

Danna Ruth Harvey – A Well Written Life

Inspired by the writings & life of Edith Stein, Danna Ruth Harvey is created this group of mixed media paintings. Edith Stein’s work explores questions of Philosophy, Theology and Education. Being a Jewish German Philosopher, her life was one of “Heroic Virtue” perishing at the hands of the Nazi Regime in 1942.

Harvey translates Stein’s ideas into conceptual images using a wax medium in a cold encaustic technique, suspending the oil pigment and collage elements in wax. The completed paintings are then entombed in multiple layers of wax, creating a translucent veil.

About Danna Ruth Harvey:

Danna Ruth Harvey is a Houston based artist represented by fine art galleries across the nation. Harvey holds an MFA with honors from Northern Vermont University. Her work is inspired by theological and philosophical writings. Though figurative in appearance, her work always has a deeper underlying meaning. Her depictions of “living things in God’s creation” are metaphors for life’s challenges.

Kendall Stallings – Human / Nature

Stallings usually depicts a suited male figure in the wild. By portraying improbable but not impossible situations, Stallings explores the tension between nature and human. Stallings draws the comparison to a potted plant in the lobby of a high rise. While dependent on their environment, they both are alien to their environment. The subjects are ever changing but this dichotomy is an underlying theme in his work.

About Kendall Stallings:

Born in Little Rock, Arkansas, Kendall began art instruction in 1965 at the age of 11 and continued with his interest in drawing and painting into college. He graduated in 1980 with a B.A. from the University of Arkansas where he focused on photography and printmaking.

After moving to Dallas, Texas, Kendall worked from 1982-2002 as a painter and art director for Prelim Architectural Illustration. Here he painted illustrations for such clients as Disney, Trammel Crow, HKS, American Airlines, Hyatt and Hilton. During this time, he was also developing his style as a fine artist and is now represented by galleries in the Texas/Arkansas region.

Jeff Wenzel – States of Mind

Jeff Wenzel explores a multitude of mental states and emotions in his abstract compositions. Wenzel works in an intuitive and instinctive manner that acts as a gateway to his inner self. In his mixed media paintings he incorporates collage elements that give his pieces a textured surfaces and layering.

About Jeff Wenzel:

Born in Denver in 1959, Wenzel lived in Colorado, California and Alaska as a youth, then returned to California for his postgraduate education. At the University of California at Berkeley, he pursued sculpture and painting, studying and working as a teaching assistant with the renowned abstract expressionist sculptor, Peter Voulkos. He also studied drawing and painting with Elmer Bischoff and Joan Brown, both expressionist painters identified with the Bay Area figurative movement. In 1981, Wenzel earned a Master of Arts degree and two years later a Master of Fine Arts degree from UC Berkeley. He went on to teach pottery and ceramic sculpture at various arts institutions in the bay area. Upon returning to Denver in 1988, in addition to his work in clay, Wenzel began working in large-scale paintings using mixed materials on paper and wood. His work is exhibited and collected nationally.

Craighead Green Gallery
167 Parkhouse St
Dallas, TX 75207

Sunday + Monday // Closed
Tuesday – Friday // 10am–5pm
Saturday // 11am–5pm

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